CMC Ltd. Campus Placement Paper - III : Technical Aptitude

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CMC Ltd Technical Placement Paper-3:
1)  Unix OS is a
a) multi-task
b) Mutual task
c) Multiple processes
d) a & c

2) The TV Satellite Transmission is a
a) Half-Duplex
b) Full Duplex
c) One-way duplex
d) Non of the above   
3) Which among is the OOPL
a) c  b) java  c) Cobol  d) Pascal

4) what will be the output of
int a=5,c;
int ptr;
c=*ptr * a;
a) 5,5     b)25,25      c) 25,5      d) Error

5) What can a Friend Keyword do?
a) Free the memory
b) Provide access to private & public variables
c) Provide access to Private, Protected, public variables.
d) Never allowed to access any constructor

6)  Abstract Class can be
a) Accessed as Constructors
b) Used for hiding information of class
c) Class is Abstract class
d) None of the above

7) The present LAN-card Supports
a)32kbphs     b) 64kbphs    c)128kbphs    d) 256kbphs  
8) What is CDMA Technology?
a) Electronic calculator
b) Cellular phones
c) Rocket
d) Car

9) What is GC in JAVA?
a) De-allocates the memory
b) De-allocates the objects & its reference
c) Finalizing of Memory
d) Non-of the above

10 which among is thread class?
a) sleep()
b) IsAliva()
c) IsLive()
d) none of the above

11)    main()
            int x=10,y=5,p,q;
            printf("p=%d q=%d",p,q);                                                   
Ans: 1, 1

12.     main()
             int x=11,y=6,z;
             z=x==5 || !=4;

13)   main()
           int c=0,d=5,e=10,a;

14)  main()
        int i=-5,j=-2;
        int i,*j
  Ans: -5, 4;

15.   #define NO
       #define YES                                                                          
           int i=5,j;
  Ans: Error message

16.   main()
         int a=0xff;
Ans: rightist

17.    main ()
          int i=+1;
           printf("vicious circles")                                                      

   Ans: continuous loop

CMC Ltd. Campus Placement Paper - II : Technical Aptitude

CMC Ltd Technical Placement Paper-2:

1) Which of the following is true?
A O(1) < O(n) < O(log n) < O(n log n) < O(n2 )
B O(1) < O(log n) < O(n) < O(n2) < O(n log n)
C O(1) < O(n) < O(n log n) < O(log n) < O(n2 )
D O(1) < O(log n) < O(n log n) < O(n2)

2) The ideal data structure to handle backtracking is?
A Queue
B Tree
C Stack
D Linked list

 3) Which of the following sorting algorithms does not have worst case running time of O(n2) ?
A Merge Sort
B Quick Sort
C Bubble Sort
D Insertion Sort

4) The following operations are performed on a stack:
push(10), push(20), pop, push(10), push(20), pop, pop, pop, push(20), pop. The sequence of values popped out is

A) 20, 10, 20, 10, 20
B) 20, 20, 10, 10, 20
C) 10, 20, 20, 10, 20
D) 20, 20, 10, 20, 10

5) In a memory system, read access takes 100 ns and write access takes 80 ns. If 60% of the access requests are reads, what is the average access time of the memory?
A) 3 ns
B) 92 ns
C) 108 ns
D) 88 ns

6) Which one of the following is the most suitable data structure for applications involving frequent additions and deletions of data elements?
A Stack
B Arrays
C Linear lists
D Linked list

7) Consider the C language code given below.
int *a;
int b[2];
a = b;
b[0] = -46;
b[1] = -23;
*a = -34;
What are the values of b[0], b[1] at the end.
A -34, -24
B -46, -22
C -34, -22
D -46, -23

8) Which of the following shell variable is used to return the process ID of the current shell?
A) $!
B) $$
C) $*
D) None

9) The system call that is key to multitasking in UNIX
A) Exec
B) Fork
C) System
D) None

10) When a binary tree is traversed in preorder and inorder, the labels of the nodes are printed as below.
Preorder: A B C D E F G H
In order: B C A E G F D H
In what order the nodes appear if the same binary is traversed in post-order?
A) C B G F E H D A
B) C B E G F H D A
C) C B F G E D H A
D) Can’t be decided unless tree representation is given

11) if c1 then statement1
else if c2 then statement2
else {
if c3 then statement4;
C1, c2, c3 are conditional tests yielding Boolean values:
c1 will be true with 40% of probability
c2 will be true with 50% of probability
c3 will be true with 10% of probability
The probability that statement4 will be executed is
A) 60%
B) 30%
C) 10%
D) 3%

12) The following conditions are necessary for a deadlock
I) Mutual exclusion
II) Hold & wait
III) No preemption
IV) Circular waits
A) I, II, III only
B) II, III, IV only
C) I, II, IV only
D) All of the above

13) i=0; sum=0; j=0;
while (i<=50)
i = i + (j ? 2 : 3);
j = !j;
sum += i;
printf ("%d", sum);
What is the output?
A) 410
B) 630
C) 490
D) 530

14) If x then y else false
The above statement is equal to following Boolean expression
A) x OR y
B) x AND y
C) x XOR y
D) NOT x

15) Octal equivalent of hexadecimal number AB is:
A 523
B 253
C 171
D 1010 1011

16) Instruction sequencing is done by the following register:
A) Stack pointer
B) Instruction register
C) program counter
D) Accumulator

17) Find the odd one out
A) Semiconductor memory
B) magnetic memory
C) Charge coupled memory
D) Virtual memory

18) Which of the following is a valid flip-flop?
A) JK Flip-flop
B) S Flip-flop
C) R Flip-flop
D) None

19) Which of the following allows multiple program threads to share the same resource?
A) Mutex
B) Pipe
C) File Handle
D) Deadlock

20) Postfix representation of A / (B + C) * (D - E)

A) /A*+BC-DE
B) ABC+DE-*/
C) ABCDE-+*/
D) A+BC-DE*/

21) Range of signed integers represented by 8 bits:
A) 127 to 127
B) 128 to 127
C) 127 to 128
D) 128 to 128

22) 2's Complement of 1010001010110111
A) 0101110101001000
B) 0101110101001111
C) 0101110101000111
D) 0101110101000000

23) Which of the following is part of the CPU (Central Processing Unit)
A) Harddisk
B) Registers
C) RAM (Random Access Memory)
D) DMA (Dynamic Memory Access)

24) What is the 2 GB (Giga Bytes) equivalent value in decimal?
A) 2141592658
B) 2097152948
C) 2000000000
D) 2147483648

25) What is decimal and binary equivalent of an octal number 127?
A) 87 and 1010111
B) 78 and 1010110
C) 87 and 1010110
D) 78 and 1010111

26) What is the address space range of a microprocessor with 32-bit address bus?
A) 0x00000000-0xFFFFFFFF
B) 0x000000-0xFFFFFF
C) 0x0000000-0xFFFFFFF
D) 0x0000-0xFFFF

27) Which of the following statement is valid regarding recursive function?
A) May have a potential of stack overflow error
B) Cannot pass pointers as arguments to the recursive function.
C) The function is called in a 'for' or 'while' loop by the calling program.
D) Best to use in implementing quick sort

28) Left shift of bits in binary data is equivalent to?
A) Addition of 2
B) Division by 2
C) In some other binary number depending on the initial data
D) Multiplication by 2

29) !( A || (B && C) ) can also be represented as : ( Note : ! is negation )
A) !A || !B && !C
B) !A && !(B && C)
C) !A || !(B && C)
D) !A && ( !B || !C&& A)

30. RACE condition means:
A) two threads of a single program trying to update the same memory at the same point of time resulting in unpredictable data in the memory.
B) A condition where multiple processes are waiting for the CPU time.
C) A condition which results in deadlocks.
D) Two threads halted without further execution, each waiting for the lock obtained by the other thread to be released.

31) What is REENTRANT code segment?
A) Code that can be part of a for or while loop.
B) Code that is part of a recursive function.
C) Code that guarantees safe and defined behavior even when parallelly executed by two threads.
D) Code that may result in a race condition.

32) Decimal equivalent of octal number 888 is:
A) 8 + 8*8 + 8*8*8
B) (8*8*8*8) - 1
C) 888
D) None of the above

33) What is the lowest and highest number that can be represented by a N-digit number in Octal number system
A) Zero and (N raised to the power of 8)
B) Zero and (8 raised to the power of N)
C) Zero and ((8 raised to the power of N) minus 1)
D) Zero and ((N raised to the power of 8) minus 1)

34) For “C” language, what is the best reference manual?
A) “C” language from Microsoft
B) “C” language by Balaguru swamy
C) “C” language by Kernighan & Ritche
D) None of the above

35. RDBMS is related to:
A) Theory of Relativity
B) Relational Data structures with Business Management System
C) Relational Algebra
D) All of the above

36) Choose a set that has an odd element:
A) Windows, Linux, DOS
B) Oracle, SQL Server, Visual Studio
C) Mouse, Keyboard, Touch screen
D) All of the above

37) There are two tables in a database namely EMPLOYEE and DEPARTMENT. EMPLOYEE table has 6 columns, 60000 rows and DEPARTMENT table has 4 columns, 40000 rows. What is the output of the following SQL query?
Select count (*) from EMPLOYEE, DEPARTMENT
A) 24
B) 10
C) 100000
D) 2400000000

38) Input and outputs of a compiler:
A) Object file, Symbol table
B) Source code, Object File
C) Object File, Windows Application
D) None of these

39) Given 110112 which of the following is false?
A) In unsigned notation it is 27 base 10
B) In 1's complement notation it is -4 base 10
C) In 2's complement notation it is -5 base 10
D) In signed magnitude notation it is +11 base 10

40) How many 1's are present in the binary representation of (769.625)10?
A) 9
B) 4
C) 5
D) 6

41) Choose the right declarations for the main() in C
A) int main(int argc, char *argv[]);
B) void main(int argc, char *argv[]);
C) int main(void);
D) All the above

42) Choose the valid typedef definitions from the following C code snippets
A) typedef struct{...}T;
B) typedef struct S{...}T;
C) typedef {...}T;
D) typedef struct S{...};

43) What are the correct ways of accessing member x in the following structure
typedef struct{
int x;
char y;

T *t = malloc(sizeof(T));
T s;

A) t->x;
B) (*t).x;
C) s.x;
D) All the above.

44) Choose valid statement from the following to declare a variable to hold pointer to an array of functions with return type (char *) and takes an argument int
A) char * (**p) (int x);
B) char * (*p[]) (int x);
C) char * (p[]) (int x);
D) char * (*(*p)) int x;

45) What is the value of the variable z in the following C code snippet at the end of the program
void test(void){
int x=3;
int y=5;
int z;

x += x++;
z = 2 * ++x + y;
A) 19
B) 21
C) 15
D) 17

46. What is the result of the variable z in the following C code snippet at the end of the program?
#define modify(A, B) ((A) < (B) ? (++A) : (B--))
int a=4,b=2;
int x = modify(a,b);
int y = modify(a,b);
int z = y - x;
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) None of the above

47) Which of the following doesn't represent a storage class
A) auto
B) public
C) register
D) static

48) Which of the following are not valid C language statements
A) for(;;){}
B) while(true){}
C) while(1){}
D) None of the above

49) Which of the following are not valid function for memory allocation in standard C library
A) malloc()
B) realloc()
C) memalloc()
D) calloc()

50) Which of the following are not valid C language keywords
A) extern
B) function
C) const
D) register

51) What is the value of the variable e in the following C code snippet
int a=3,b=4,c=2,d=3;
int e = (a << 1) * b / c - (d >> 1);
A) 8
B) 10
C) 13
D) None of the above

52) Consider the C language code given below.
int *a;
int b[2];
a = b;
b[0] = -46;
b[1] = -23;
*a = -34;
What are the values of b[0], b[1] at the end.
A) -34, -24
B) -46, -22
C) -34, -22
D) -46, -23

53) i=0; sum=0; j=0;
while (i<=50)
i = i + (j ? 2 : 3);
j = !j;
sum += i;
printf ("%d", sum);

What is the output?
A) 410
B) 630
C) 490
D) 530

54) Assuming all required headers are included, see the below code segment and select the correct option(s) A,B,C and/or D given below and write your comments, if any, on the code segment:
Line 1 : int *iptr ;
Line 2 : printf("Type a number:");
Line 3 : scanf("%d", iptr);
Line 4 : printf("Integer value is %d\n", iptr);

A) Missing '&' before 'iptr' in Line 3.
B) Program will cause segmentation fault.
C) Program will not compile as there are errors in this code segment.
D) Program prints the given number in Line 4.

55) int a = 1; b = 2; c = 3;
if( ( a == 1 ) && ( ++b == 2 ) && ( c-- == 1 ) )
printf( "%d,%d,%d\n", a,b,c );
What is the output ?

A) 1,2,3
B) 1,3,2
C) 2,3,4
D) 1,3,3

56) Assuming all headers required are included. see the program below and answer
and answer
void my_int_alloc( int *i_ptr, int sz ); /* function to allocate memory */
int main()
int *int_ptr ;
int_ptr[19] = 100;
return 0;

void my_int_alloc( int *i_ptr, int sz )
i_ptr = (int *)malloc(sz*sizeof(int)); /* assume malloc never fails */
Select the correct option(s) from A, B, C and/or D below:

A) The program has memory leaks and it tries to free unallocated memory.
B) The printf prints the value '100'.
C) There should not be a ‘return’ statement in a function returning void
D) The program will not compile.

57) Assuming all headers are included, see the below program segment and select
and select
the option A, B, C and/or D
char src[11] = "CMC";
char dest[11] = "LIMITED";

A) Program has compilation errors in the line having strcpy call.
B) Program results in segmentation fault.
C) Program prints "LIMITED"
D) Program prints "CMCLIMITED"

58) The program
int main(int argc , char *argv[])
printf("%s\n", ++(*(argv+argc-2)));
return 0;
if run with the command
$> prog_name one two three four
will have the below behaviour ( select the right option )

A) program has compilation errors
B) Program prints "three"
C) program prints "hree"
D) program prints "three four"

59) Which of the following statements are valid regarding "static" variables in C?

A) Have global scope and lifetime till the end of the program.
B) Have block scope and lifetime till the end of the block.
C) Have block scope and lifetime till the end of the program.
D) Have global scope and lifetime till the end of the block

60) What is the output of the code segment below?
char c;
int i = 0 ;
for( c = 'A' + i ; c < 'Z' ; c += 2,i++ )
printf("%c", c);
A) ADHMS (skips 2,3,4,5 characters in between A and Z)
B) ACEGIKMOQSUWY (skips one char in between A and Z)
C) ABCDEFGHI...Y (prints all characters from A to Y)
D) Program does not compile.

61) Select the correct statements in relation to the "realloc" function
A) The realloc tries to allocate new memory which starts at the old memory and if it cannot find sequential memory extending the old memory, realloc will fail...
B) After the call to realloc, we need to copy the data from the old pointer
C) Based on where the new memory is allocated, the realloc function takes care
Of copying the data into the new location, but the caller needs to free the
D) Both data copy and freeing of old memory whenever required, is taken care

62) In the declaration char c_arr[100] = "CMCLIMITED" ; , c_arr is :
A) a constant pointer to character.
B) non-const pointer to a character constant.
C) non-const pointer to character.
D) a constant pointer to constant character.

63) Looking at the code lines below, select the correct statement(s) below:
Line 1 char *c_ptr;
Line 2 char a_arr[100];
Line 3 c_ptr = (char *) malloc (10*sizeof (int));
Line 4 c_ptr = c_arr;
Line 5 free (c_ptr);
A) Line 3 has compilation error: it uses sizeof (int) instead of sizeof (char)
B) Line 4 has an error as we cannot assign an array pointer to a normal pointer.
C) Line 5 has a compilation error.
D) Line 5 has undefined behavior.

64) Which of the following functions deal with binary output into a file?

A) fprintf()
B) fputs();
C) fwrite();
D) All of the above.

65) Which of the following are valid file operation functions in C?
A) fseek()
B) ftell()
C) rewind()
D) All of the above.

66) Assuming all headers included, indicate the behavior of the below program:
Int arr[10] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10};
Int I = 0;
while( I < 10 )
printf(“%d\n”, *(arr++));

A) prints numbers from 1 to 10
B) prints numbers from 1 to 9
C) prints ‘1’ ten times.
D) program has compilation errors.

67) Given a structure typedef struct { char x; int y, int z} mystruct;
sizeof(mystruct) will return
A) 5 -- Always
B) 6 -- Some times
C) 8 -- Based on Memory size
D) None of the above

68) char *p = (char*) malloc(2000000*2/10+4);
int length = strlen(p);
Output of the above program:
A) 400004
B) 200002
D) None of the above

69) A program is written in “C” language , and an executable is made by compiling it on unix/linux environment. Can we run the executable on windows operating system.
A) Yes, Always
B) Only on vista operating system
C) Never
D) If we change extension to .exe, it will run

70) Main difference of a struct in C and C++
A) In C members are private, c++ members are virtual
B) In C members are public, c++ members are private
C) In C members are virtual, c++ members are private
D) None of the above

CMC Ltd. Campus Placement Paper - I

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There are six steps that lead from the first to the second floor.
No two people can be on the same step.
Mr. A is two steps below Mr. C
Mr. B is a step next to Mr. D
Only one step is vacant (No one standing on that step) Denote the first step by step 1
And second step by step 2 etc.
1. If Mr. A is on the first step, which of the following is true?
(A) Mr. B is on the second step
(B) Mr. C is on the fourth step.
(C) A person Mr. E, could be on the third step
(D) Mr. D is on higher step than Mr. C.
Ans: (D)

2. If Mr. E was on the third step & Mr. B was on a higher step than Mr. E which step must be vacant
(A) Step 1 (B) step 2 (C) step 4 (D) step 5 (E) steps 6
Ans: (A)

3. If Mr. B was on step 1, which step could A be on?
(A) 2&e only (B) 3&5 only (C) 3&4 only (D) 4&5 only (E) 2&4 only
Ans: (C)

4. If there were two steps between the step that A was standing and the step that B was standing on, and A was on a higher step than D, A must be on step
(A) 2    (B) 3   (C) 4   (D) 5   (E) 6
Ans: (C)

5. Which of the following is false?
i) B&D can be both on odd-numbered steps in one configuration
ii) In a particular configuration A and C must either both an odd numbered steps or both an even-numbered steps
iii) A person E can be on a step next to the vacant step.
(A) i only (B) ii only (C) iii only
Ans: (C)

Swimmers problem (6 - 9 )
Six swimmers A B C D E F compete in a race. There are no ties. The out comes are as follows.
1. B does not win.
2. Only two swimmers separate E & D
3. A is behind D & E
4. B is ahead of E, with one swimmer intervening
5. F is a head of D

6. Who is fifth?
(A) A
(B) B       
(C) C  
(D) D   
(E) E
Ans: (E)

7. How many swimmers separate A and F?
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
(E) Not determinable from the given info.
Ans :( D)

8. The swimmer between C & E is
(A) None   (B) F   (C) D   (D) B   (E) A
Ans: (A)

9. If the end of the race, swimmer D is disqualified by the Judges then swimmer B finishes in which place
(A) 1        (B) 2    (C) 3    (D) 4    (E) 5
Ans: (B).

Chimney problem (10 - 14)
Five houses lettered A, B, C, D, & E are built in a row next to each other. The houses are lined up in the order A, B, C, D, and E. Each of the five houses has a colored chimney. The roof and chimney of each house must be
Painted as follows
1. The roof must be painted green, red, or yellow.
2. The chimney must be painted white, black, or red.
3. No house may have the same color chimney as the color of roof.
4. No house may use any of the same colors that the every next house uses.
5. House E has a green roof.
6. House B has a red roof and a black chimney

10. Which of the following is true?
(A) At least two houses have black chimney.
(B) At least two houses have red roofs.
(C) At least two houses have white chimneys
(D) At least two houses have green roofs
(E) At least two houses have yellow roofs
Ans: (C)

11. Which must be false?
(A) House A has a yellow roof
(B) House A & C have different color chimney
(C) House D has a black chimney
(D) House E has a white chimney
(E) House B&D have the same color roof.
Ans: (B)

12. If house C has a yellow roof. Which must be true?
(A) House E has a white chimney
(B) House E has a black chimney
(C) House E has a red chimney
(D) House D has a red chimney
(E) House C has a black chimney
Ans: (A)

13. Which possible combinations of roof & chimney can house
I) A red roof 7 a black chimney
II) A yellow roof & a red chimney
III) A yellow roof & a black chimney
(A) I only  
(B) II only  
(C) III only  
(D) I & II only
Ans: (E)

14. What is the maximum total number of green roofs for houses?
Ans: (C)

15. There are 5 red shoes, 4 green shoes. If one draws randomly a shoe what is the probability of getting red shoe is 5c1/9c1

16. What is the selling price of a car? cost of car is Rs 60 & profit 10% profit over selling price
Ans: Rs 66/-

17. 1/3 of girls, 1/2 of boys go to canteen .What factor and total number of clasmates goes to canteen?
Ans: cannot be determined

18. Price of a product is reduced by 30%. What percentage should be increased to make it 100%?
Ans:  42.857%
There is a square of side 6cm. A circle is inscribed inside the square. Find the ratio of the area of circle to
Square. r=3 circle/square = 11/14

20. Two candles of equal lengths and of different thickness are there. The thicker one will last of six hours. The thinner 2 hours less than the thicker one. Ramesh light the two candles at the same time. When he went to bed he saw the thicker one is twice the length of the thinner one. For how long did Ramesh lit two candles
Ans: 3 hours.

21. M/N = 6/5 3M+2N =?
Ans: cannot be determined

22. p/q = 5/4 2p+q=? Cannot determine?

23. If PQRST is a parallelogram what it the ratio of triangle PQS & parallelogram PQRST
Ans: 1:2

24. Cost of an item is Rs 12.60 & profit is 10% over selling price what is the selling price Ans: Rs 13.86/-

25. There are 6 red shoes & 4 green shoes. If two of red shoes are drawn what is the probability of getting red shoes
Ans: 6c2/10c2

26. 15 lts of water containing 20% alcohol then added 5 lts of water. What is % alcohol?
Ans: 15%

27. A worker pay 20/- day, he works 1, 1/3,2/3,1/8.3/4 in a week. What is the total amount paid for that worker?
Ans: 57.50

28. The value of x is between 0 & 1 which is the larger? A) X B) x^2 C) -x D) 1/x
Ans : (D)

(A) (1) alone sufficient
(B) (2) alone sufficient
(C) Both together are sufficient
(D) (1) alone & (2) alone sufficient
(E) Information not sufficient

29. A man of 6 feet tall is standing near a light on the top of a pole. What is the length of the shadow cost by the man?
1) The pole is 18 feet high
2) The man is 12 feet high

30. It is 25 miles from C to B
Ans: (E)

31. Was Melissa Brown's novel published?
1). If Melissa Brown's novel was published she would receive at least $1000 in royalties during 1978
2). Melissa Brown's income for 1978 was over $1000
Ans: (E)

32. Does every bird fly?
1) Tigers do not fly.
2) Ostriches do not fly
Ans: (B)

33. How much does John weigh? Jim weighs 200 pounds.
1) Toms weight plus Moes weight equal to John's weight.
2) John's weight plus Moe's weight equal to Twice Tom's weight.
Ans: (C)

34. How much does John weigh? Jim weighs 200 pounds.
1) Toms weight plus Moes weight equal to John's weight.
2) John's weight plus Moe's weight equal to Twice Tom's weight.
Ans: (C)

35. Is the figure ABCD is a rectangle
A ------------------- B
| |
| |
| |
| |
D ------------------- C

(1). x=90(degrees)
(2). AB=CD
Ans: (E)

36. Find x+2y
1). x+y=10
2). 2x+4y=20
Ans: (B).

37. Is x greater than y
1) x=2k
2) k=2y
Ans: (E)

38. Is angle BAC is a right angle
| \
|x z\

39. Is angle BAC is a right angle
| \
|x z\
(1). x=2y
(2) y=1.5z
Ans: (E)

40. A piece of string 6 feet long is cut into three smaller pieces. How long is the longer of their three pieces?
1). Two pieces are the same length.
2) One piece is 3 feet 2 inches lone
Ans: (B)

41. How many rolls of wall paper necessary to cover the walls of a room whose floor and ceiling are rectangles 12 feet wide and 15 feet long
1) A roll of paper covers 20 sq feet
2) There are no windows in the walls
Ans: (E)

42. x and y are integers that are both less than 10. Is x>y?
1) x is a multiple of 3
2) y is a multiple of 2
Ans: (E).

43. Fifty students have signed up for at least one of the courses GERMANI 1 & ENGLISH 1, how many of the 50 students are taking GERMANI 1 but not ENGLISH 1.?
1). 16 students are taking GERMANI 1 & ENGLISH 1
2). The number of students taking ENGLISH 1 but not GERMANI 1 is the same as the number of students taking GERMANI 1.
Ans: (C)

44. Is ABCD is a square? A ------------ B
(1) AD = AB |x |
(2) x=90(degrees)
Ans: (E)

45. How much card board will it take to make a rectangular bos with a lid whose base has length 7 inches?
1) The width of the box 5 inches
2) The height of the box will be 4 inches
Ans: (C)

46. Did ABC Company made profit in 1980?
1). ABC company made a profit in 1979.
2). ABC company made a profit in 1981.
Ans: (E)

47. How much is Jane’s salary?
1) Janes salary is 70% of John's salary
2) Johns salary is 50% of Mary's salary
Ans: (E)

48. Is x>1
1) x+y=2
2) y<0
Ans: (c)

49. How many of the numbers x and y are positive? Both x and y are less than 20
1) x is less than 5
2) x+y =24
Ans: (B)

50. Is the angle ACB is right angle A
(1) y=z | \
(2) (AC)^2+CB^2=AB^2 | z\
| \
| \
| \
|x y\
C -------- B
Ans: (B)

51. How far it from town A to town B? Town C is 12 miles east of town A
1). Town C is south of town B
2). It is 9 miles from town B to town C
Ans: (C)

52. A rectangular field is 40 yards long. Find the area of the field.
1) A fence around the boundary of the field is 140 yards long
2) The field is more than 20 yards width
Ans: (A).

53. An industrial plant produces bottles. In 1961 the number of bottles produced by the plant was twice the number of produced in 1960. How many bottles were produced altogether in the year 1960, 61, &62
1) In 1962 the number of bottles produced was 3 times the number of produced in 1980
2) In 1963 the number of bottles produced was one half the total produced in the years1960,1961,1962.
Ans: (E)

54. Is xy > 1? x & y are both positive
1) x is less than 1
2) y is greater than 1
Ans: (E)

55. Is it a Rambus ----------
(1) All four sides are equal / /
(2) Total internal angle is / /
360 / /
Ans: (E)

56. How many books are in the book shelf?
1) The book shelf is 12 feet long
2) The average weight of each book is 1.2 pound
Ans: (E)

57. What is the area of circle?
1). Radius r is given
2). Perimeter is 3 times the area
Ans: (A).


58. Total distance is 120 km. going by 60kmph and coming back by 40kmph what is the average speed?
Ans: 48kmph

59. A school has 30% from MAHARASTRA .Out of this 20% from BOMBAY students. Find the total percentage of BOMBAY
Ans: 6%

60. An equilateral triangle of side 3 inch is given. How many equilateral triangles of side 1 inch can be formed from it
Ans: 9
61. A/B = 3/5 15A = ?
Ans: 9B

62. Each side of a rectangle is increased by 100%. How much the percentage of area will be increased?
Ans: 300%

63. Perimeter of the back wheel = 9 feet, front wheel = 7 feet on a certain distance the front wheel gets 10 revolutions more than back wheel. What is the distance?
Ans: 315 feet

64. Perimeter of front wheel =30, back wheel = 20. If front wheel is revolves 240 times. How many revolutions will the back wheel take?
Ans: 360 times

65. 205 of 6 liter solution and 60% of 4 liter solution is mixed what percentage of the mixture of solution
Ans: 36%

66. City A population is 68000, decreasing at a rate of 80 per year City B having population 42000 increasing at rate of 120 per year. In how many years both the cities will have same population
Ans: 130 years

67. Two cars, 15 km apart one is turning at a speed of 50kmph other at 40kmph. How will it take to two cars meet?
Ans 3/2 hours

68. A person wants to buy 3 paisa and 5 paisa stamps costing exactly one rupee. If he buys, which of the following number of stamps? He won’t able to buy 3 paisa stamps Ans: 9

69. There are 12 boys and 15 girls, how many different dancing groups can be formed. Ans: 180

70. Which of the following fractions is less than 1/3?
(1) 22/62   (2) 15/46
Ans: 15/46

71. Two circles, one circle is inscribed and another circle is out scribed over a square. What is the ratio of area of inner to outer circle?
Ans: 1: 2

Plumber problem (15 - 17)
Miss Dean wants to renovate her house. She hires a plumber, a carpenter, a painter an electrical and interior decorator. The work to be finished in one working (Monday - Friday). Each worker will take the full day to do his job. Miss Dean permits only one person to work each day.
I) the painter can work only after the plumber and the carpenter has finished their jobs
II) The interior decorator must do his job before the electrician.
III) The carpenter cannot work on Monday or Tuesday

72. If the painter work on Thursday, which one of the following alternatives is possible?
(A) The electrician works on Tuesday.
(B) The electrician works on Friday.
(C) The interior decorator works after the painter does.
(D) The painter works on consecutive days
(E) Miss Dean cannot fit the entire workers into schedule
Ans: (B)

73. If the painter works on Friday which of the following must be false?
(A) The carpenter may works on Wednesday
(B) The carpenter and the electrician may work on consecutive days
(C) If the carpenter works on Thursday, the electrician has to work on Wednesday
(D) The plumber may work before the electrician does
(E) The electrician may work on Tuesday
Ans: (C)

74. Which argument is possible?
(A) The electrician wills works on Tuesday and the interior decorator on Friday
(B) The painter will work on Wednesday and plumber on Thursday
(C) The carpenter wills works on Tuesday and the painter on Friday
(D) The painter will work on Monday and the carpenter on Thursday
(E) The carpenter will work on Wednesday and the plumber on Thursday

Ans: (E)

SBI Specialist Officers Recruitment - Previous Year Question Paper - Logical Reasoning

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Logical Reasoning Test
1.        A dog is taken out every evening by the owner whose house faces East. They walk 200m West, then 500m South. Which direction should they take to reach home?
A. North- east         B. North           C. North- west           D. South- east         E. none
2. S jogs 50m North, turns right & jogs 60m, turns right again & jogs 40m & then again turns right & jogs 60m. How far is he from his starting point?
         A. 20 m      B. 10 m        C. 100 m      D. 0 m            E. None
3. The time by Saurabh’s watch is half past three. If the hour hand points towards East, to which direction would minute hand point?
        A. North         B. East            C. South east            D. West         E. None
4. S & B starts from home in south direction and walk 45m each. S then turns left and walks 20m while B turns right and walks 70 m. How far are they from each other?
         A. 40 m         B. 80 m          C. 65 m           D. 90 m            E. None
5. S walks 18 m towards North. Turning left he walks 13 m more. Then again he turns left & walks 18 m and then after turning right he walks 13 m. How far is he from his starting point?
         A. 18 m           B. 30 m           C. 26 m       D. 43 m          E. 58 m
6. In a certain code ARCHIVE is written as DSBGFWJ. How is SYSTEMS written in that code?
        A. TZTSTNF         B. TZTUTNF         C. TZTSFNT         D. RXRSTNF         E. None
7. If ‘R’ denotes ‘divided by’; ‘T’ denotes ‘added to’ ; ‘W’ denotes ‘subtracted from’ and ‘B’ denotes ‘multiplied by’ then :
      15 W 12 T 8 R 2 B 6 = ?
      A. 11/12            B. 3 2/3         C. 27         D. 3          E. None
Q8 -12. A, B, C, D, E,F ,G, H, K are sitting around a circle facing the centre. B is 4th to the left of G who is second to the right of C. F is 4th to the right of C and is second to the left of K. A is 4th to the right of K. D is not an immediate neighbor of either K or B. H is 3rd to the right of E.

8. Who is 2nd to the right of K?
       A. C        B. H         C. F         D. E          E. Data inadequate
9. Who is 3rd to the right of H?
       A. D      B. A        C. G         D. F             E. None
10. Who is 4th to the left of E?
      A. A          B. C           C. G              D. Data inadequate           E. None
11. Who is 4th to the right of D?
      A. K           B. H          C. E         D. B           E. None
12. In which of the following combinations is the 3rd person sitting in between the 1st and 2nd persons?
       A. EKB         B. CHB            C. AGC            D. FGD            E. None.
13. (14, 84)  (10, 40)  (12, 60)  (16, ___)
       A. 80          B. 112        C. 64          D. 48           E. None
14. 2, 10, 60, 420, 3360, _____
      A. 30240           B. 27840          C. 25140           D. 22240        E. None
15. 4, 1, -8, ____, -20, 29, -32, 43
       A. 17        B. 16            C. 15            D. 18        E. None
16.  __ s r __ t r __ s r s __ r __ s r s t __
       A. ttssrr         B. tsrtsr            C. strtrs          D. tstttr       E. None
17. a a __ b b __ a a __ a b b b b ___ a
       A. aabb         B. baba         C. abab           D. bbaa           E. None
18. In the series AHQ, DJR, GLS, JNT, ____ the next term is :
       A. LPU         B. MQU           C. MPU           D. MPV        E. None
19. ACE, GIK, ____, SUW, YAC
       A. MOQ          B. MNP         C. MOP           D. MPQ         E. None
20. Which group of letters should come in the blank in the following series of letter groups?
       A. VAGANZ        B. VAGAN           C. AVAGA            D. AVAGAN        E. None       


1.        A
2.        B
3.        E
4.        D
5.        C
6.        A
7.        C
8.        B
9.        C
10.     A
11.     D
12.     D
13.     B
14.     A
15.     C
16.     D
17.     D
18.     C
19.     A
20.     D

SBI Specialist Officers Recruitment - Previous Year Question Paper - Quantitative Aptitude

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Quantitative Aptitude Test
1.  If a pipe A fills a tank in 10 hours and a pipe B fills it in 15 hours, then the tank will be filled by A and B together in how much time?
A. 10 hrs.           B. 9 hrs              C. 6 hrs             D. 8 hrs
2. Two pipes P & Q can separately fill a cistern in 12 minutes and 18 minutes respectively. In how many minutes can both the pipes fill the cistern, if opened together?
              A. 7 1/5 min       B. 7 min             C. 7 ½ min       D. 10 min
3. Two piped A & B can fill a tank in 36 hrs and 45 hrs respectively. If both pipes are opened simultaneously, how much time will be taken to fill the tank?
             A. 20 hrs             B. 21 hrs             C. 22 hrs          D. None
4. A pipe can fill a tank in 15hrs. Due to leak in the bottom, it is filled in 20 hrs. If the tank is full, how much time will the leak take to empty it?
             A. 55 hrs            B. 60 hrs              C. 61 hrs          D. None
5. If a pipe A fills a tank in 10 hrs and pipe B empties it in 15 15 hrs, then in how much time will the tank be filled up if A & B are both opened?
            A. 4 hrs               B. 14 hrs              C. 20 hrs         D. 30 hrs
6. Two taps A & B can fill a water reservoir in 12 and 15 hrs respectively. How long would the two taps take to fill this reservoir if both are opened together?
           A. 6 ¼ hrs            B. 6 ½ hrs            C. 7 1/3 hrs      D. None
7. Two taps can fill a tank in 24 minutes and 30 minutes respectively. Both of them are opened together, but the first tap is turned off after 8 minutes. Now find how long would the second tap take to fill the tank.
           A. 24 ½ min        B. 12 min             C. 13 2/3 min       D. 16 min
8. Two pipes A & B can fill a tank in 24 min and 32 min respectively. If  both the pipes are opened simultaneously, the time after which B should be closed so that tank is filled in 18 minutes would be?
            A. 18 min           B. 10 min             C. 9 min             D. 8 min
9. Two pipes A & B can fill a tank  in 24 minutes and 36 minutes respectively. If both the pipes are opened simultaneously, the time after which A should be closed so that tank is filled in 18 min would be?
           A. 12 min            B. 10 min             C. 9 min            D. None
10. Two pipes A & B separately fill a cistern in 12 and 15 min respectively while a 3rd pipe C can empty it in 10 minutes. How long will it take to fill the cistern if all pipes are opened?
          A. 10 min            B. 20 min              C. 30 min          D. 22 min
11. A pipes fills a tank in 2 hrs and another files the tank in 3hrs but a 3rd pipe empties the filled tank in 5 hrs. Then if three pipes are opened, the tank will be filled in:
          A. 1 hr                 B. 1 11/19 hr          C. 2 1/9             D. None
12. What is the value of:    1 ½
                                          1+ 1
                                                 1 + ¼
          A. 3/2            B. 5/4                   C. 5/6                D. 1
13. √342/36 * √729/ 9 * √25/ 196 =
          A. 135/14        B. 18/5        C. 18/7        D. None
14. 9.75 + 25.88 + x = 41.18
          A. 5.55          B. 5.75          C. 6.57          D. 4.23
15. 30% of 270 + 5/8 of 64 = x
           A. 120        B. 81          C. 121              D. 242
16. 73.85 + 215.345 – 167.2134 = x
          A. 456.4084          B. 121.6711           C. 120.8296            D. None
17. x% of 150 + 250 = 280
          A. 30       B. 10         C. 40           D. 20
18. 25% of 40 ÷4% of 25 = x
          A. 1        B. 10         C. 0          D. 2
19. Simplify: (34 * 37) ÷ 310
             A. 3           B. 9           C. 27          D. 81
20. Find the value of:  2.70 * 2.70 + 4.30 * 4.30+ 8.60 * 2.70
                                                       2.70 + 4.30
           A. 6.8           B. 7.6          C. 7.0              D. 8.5


  1. C
  2. A                               
  3. A
  4. B
  5. D
  6. B
  7. C
  8. A       t = y ( 1 - z/x)
  9. A       t = x ( 1 - z/y)
  10. B
  11. B
  12. C
  13. D
  14. A
  15. C
  16. D
  17. D
  18. B
  19. A
  20. C