# include# include # define F 0 # define T 1 struct NODE { char Info; int Flag; struct NODE *Left_Child; struct NODE *Right_Child; }; struct NODE *Binary_Tree (char , struct NODE *, int *); void Output(struct NODE *, int ); struct NODE *Balance_Right_Heavy(struct NODE *, int *); struct NODE *Balance_Left_Heavy(struct NODE *, int *); struct NODE *DELETE(struct NODE *, struct NODE *, int *); struct NODE *Delete_Element(struct NODE *, char , int *); /* Function to insert an element into tree */ struct NODE * Binary_Tree (char Info, struct NODE *Parent, int *H) { struct NODE *Node1; struct NODE *Node2; if(!Parent) { Parent = (struct NODE *) malloc(sizeof(struct NODE)); Parent->Info = Info; Parent->Left_Child = NULL; Parent->Right_Child = NULL; Parent->Flag = 0; *H = T; return (Parent); } if(Info < Parent->Info) { Parent->Left_Child = Binary_Tree(Info, Parent->Left_Child, H); if(*H) /* Left branch has grown higher */ { switch(Parent->Flag) { case 1: /* Right heavy */ Parent->Flag = 0; *H = F; break; case 0: /* Balanced tree */ Parent->Flag = -1; break; case -1: /* Left heavy */ Node1 = Parent->Left_Child; if(Node1->Flag == -1) { printf("\n Left to Left Rotation\n"); Parent->Left_Child= Node1->Right_Child; Node1->Right_Child = Parent; Parent->Flag = 0; Parent = Node1; } else { printf("\n Left to right rotation\n"); Node2 = Node1->Right_Child; Node1->Right_Child = Node2->Left_Child; Node2->Left_Child = Node1; Parent->Left_Child = Node2->Right_Child; Node2->Right_Child = Parent; if(Node2->Flag == -1) Parent->Flag = 1; else Parent->Flag = 0; if(Node2->Flag == 1) Node1->Flag = -1; else Node1->Flag = 0; Parent = Node2; } Parent->Flag = 0; *H = F; } } } if(Info > Parent->Info) { Parent->Right_Child = Binary_Tree(Info, Parent->Right_Child, H); if(*H) /* Right branch has grown higher */ { switch(Parent->Flag) { case -1: /* Left heavy */ Parent->Flag = 0; *H = F; break; case 0: /* Balanced tree */ Parent->Flag = 1; break; case 1: /* Right heavy */ Node1 = Parent->Right_Child; if(Node1->Flag == 1) { printf("\n Right to Right Rotation\n"); Parent->Right_Child= Node1->Left_Child; Node1->Left_Child = Parent; Parent->Flag = 0; Parent = Node1; } else { printf("\n Right to Left Rotation\n"); Node2 = Node1->Left_Child; Node1->Left_Child = Node2->Right_Child; Node2->Right_Child = Node1; Parent->Right_Child = Node2->Left_Child; Node2->Left_Child = Parent; if(Node2->Flag == 1) Parent->Flag = -1; else Parent->Flag = 0; if(Node2->Flag == -1) Node1->Flag = 1; else Node1->Flag = 0; Parent = Node2; } Parent->Flag = 0; *H = F; } } } return(Parent); } /* Output function */ void Output(struct NODE *Tree,int Level) { int i; if (Tree) { Output(Tree->Right_Child, Level+1); printf("\n"); for (i = 0; i < Level; i++) printf(" "); printf("%c", Tree->Info); Output(Tree->Left_Child, Level+1); } } /* Balancing Right Heavy */ struct NODE * Balance_Right_Heavy(struct NODE *Parent, int *H) { struct NODE *Node1, *Node2; switch(Parent->Flag) { case -1: Parent->Flag = 0; break; case 0: Parent->Flag = 1; *H= F; break; case 1: /* Rebalance */ Node1 = Parent->Right_Child; if(Node1->Flag >= 0) { printf("\n Right to Right Rotation\n"); Parent->Right_Child= Node1->Left_Child; Node1->Left_Child = Parent; if(Node1->Flag == 0) { Parent->Flag = 1; Node1->Flag = -1; *H = F; } else { Parent->Flag = Node1->Flag = 0; } Parent = Node1; } else { printf("\n Right to Left Rotation\n"); Node2 = Node1->Left_Child; Node1->Left_Child = Node2->Right_Child; Node2->Right_Child = Node1; Parent->Right_Child = Node2->Left_Child; Node2->Left_Child = Parent; if(Node2->Flag == 1) Parent->Flag = -1; else Parent->Flag = 0; if(Node2->Flag == -1) Node1->Flag = 1; else Node1->Flag = 0; Parent = Node2; Node2->Flag = 0; } } return(Parent); } /* Balancing Left Heavy */ struct NODE * Balance_Left_Heavy(struct NODE *Parent, int *H) { struct NODE *Node1, *Node2; switch(Parent->Flag) { case 1: Parent->Flag = 0; break; case 0: Parent->Flag = -1; *H= F; break; case -1: /* Rebalance */ Node1 = Parent->Left_Child; if(Node1->Flag <= 0) { printf("\n Left to Left Rotation\n"); Parent->Left_Child= Node1->Right_Child; Node1->Right_Child = Parent; if(Node1->Flag == 0) { Parent->Flag = -1; Node1->Flag = 1; *H = F; } else { Parent->Flag = Node1->Flag = 0; } Parent = Node1; } else { printf("\n Left to Right Rotation\n"); Node2 = Node1->Right_Child; Node1->Right_Child = Node2->Left_Child; Node2->Left_Child = Node1; Parent->Left_Child = Node2->Right_Child; Node2->Right_Child = Parent; if(Node2->Flag == -1) Parent->Flag = 1; else Parent->Flag = 0; if(Node2->Flag == 1) Node1->Flag = -1; else Node1->Flag = 0; Parent = Node2; Node2->Flag = 0; } } return(Parent); } /* Replace the node at which key is found with last right key of a left child */ struct NODE * DELETE(struct NODE *R, struct NODE *Temp, int *H) { struct NODE *Dnode = R; if( R->Right_Child != NULL) { R->Right_Child = DELETE(R->Right_Child, Temp, H); if(*H) R = Balance_Left_Heavy(R, H); } else { Dnode = R; Temp->Info = R->Info; R = R->Left_Child; free(Dnode); *H = T; } return(R); } /* Delete the key element from the tree */ struct NODE * Delete_Element(struct NODE *Parent, char Info, int *H) { struct NODE *Temp; if(!Parent) { printf("\n Information does not exist"); return(Parent); } else { if (Info < Parent->Info ) { Parent->Left_Child = Delete_Element(Parent->Left_Child, Info, H); if(*H) Parent = Balance_Right_Heavy(Parent, H); } else if(Info > Parent->Info) { Parent->Right_Child = Delete_Element(Parent->Right_Child, Info, H); if(*H) Parent = Balance_Left_Heavy(Parent, H); } else { Temp= Parent; if(Temp->Right_Child == NULL) { Parent = Temp->Left_Child; *H = T; free(Temp); } else if(Temp->Left_Child == NULL) { Parent = Temp->Right_Child; *H = T; free(Temp); } else { Temp->Left_Child = DELETE(Temp->Left_Child, Temp, H); if(*H) Parent = Balance_Right_Heavy(Parent, H); } } } return(Parent); } /* Function main */ void main() { int H; char Info ; char choice; struct NODE *Tree = (struct NODE *)malloc(sizeof(struct NODE)); Tree = NULL; printf("\n Input choice 'b' to break:"); choice = getchar(); while(choice != 'b') { fflush(stdin); printf("\n Input information of the node: "); scanf("%c", &Info); Tree = Binary_Tree(Info, Tree, &H); printf("\n Tree is:\n"); Output(Tree, 1); fflush(stdin); printf("\n Input choice 'b' to break:"); choice = getchar(); } fflush(stdin); while(1) { printf("\n Input choice 'b' to break:"); printf("\n Input the key value want to deletedir:"); scanf("%c", &Info); if (Info == 'b') break; Tree = Delete_Element(Tree, Info, &H); printf("\n Tree is:\n"); Output(Tree, 1); } }
C Program to Create and Manipulate AVL Binary Tree
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