(Answers are given at the end of the paper)
2, 4, 9, 28, …
a. 130 b. 124 c. 125 d. 127
8, 46, 164, __, 117, 23
281 b. 283 c. 285 d. 287
1, 4, 10, 20, 35, …
48 b. 50 c. 52 d. None
12, 35, 37, 13, __, 85, 20, 21, 29
78 b. 80 c. 84 d. 82
(6, 4), (8, 4), (10, 4), (12, __)
6 b. 2 c. 8 d. 10
Find the wrong number in the following
19, 41, 79, 155, 209
19 b. 41 c. 79 d. 209
85kg of a mixture contains milk and
water in the ratio 27:7. How much more water is to be added to get a new
mixture containing milk and water in the ratio 3:1.
5kg b. 6.5kg c. 8kg d. 7.25kg
A sum of Rs. 2600 is lent out in two
parts in such a way that the interest on one part at 10% for 5 years is equal
to that on another part at 9% for 6 years. The find the two sums.
1250, 1350 b.
1350, 1250 c. 1350, 1150 d. 1250, 1150
In a Class of 100 students, 24 of them
are girls and 32 are not. Which base for the numbers I am using________
10. A
man’s age is 125% of what it was ten years ago, but 83
% of what it will be after ten years. What is
his present age____________

A painted cube is pieced into 343 pieces.
11. The
number of cuts must be made for making it into 343 pieces are_________
12. How
many pieces are painted at least two sides?
62 b. 64 c. 66 d. 68
13. How
many pieces are painted exactly one side.
150 b. 120 c. 140 d. None of these
14. The
difference between the C.I. and S.I. on a certain sum of money at 5% per annum
for two years is Rs. 1.50. Then what is the sum?
300 b. 450 c. 600 d. 750
15. A
and B enter into a speculation. A puts in Rs. 50 and B puts in Rs. 45. At the
end of 4 months A withdraws half his capital and at the end of 6 months B
withdraws half of his capital. C then enters with a capital of
70. At the end of 12 months, in what ratio will the profit be divided?
84:81:80 b. 80:81:84 c.
81:80:84 d. 84:80:81
16. A
maximum possible rectangle is inscribed in a circle of radius 5cm. Then what is
the area bounded between the rectangle and the circle?
31.50 b. 30.50 c. 29.50 d. 28.50
17. A
hemi sphere of radius 7cm has a hole at the centre of its flat surface, in which
a sphere of radius 2cm can fit exactly half. Then what is the volume of the
hemi sphere_________
18. In
how many different ways can the letters of the word CORPORATION be arranged so
that the vowels always come together?
420 b. 7200 c. 25200 d. 50400
19. The
diameter of a right circular cone is 14 meters and its slant height is 12
meters then find the cost of coloring its total surface at the rate of 14P per
sq meter is?
Rs. 58.52 b. Rs. 57.52 c.
Rs. 56.52 d. Rs. 55.52
20. In
what proportion may 3 kinds of wheat at Rs. 1.27, Rs. 1.29 and Rs. 1.32 per kg
be mixed to produce mixture worth Rs. 1.30 per kg?
1:2:1 b. 1:1:2 c. 2:1:2 d. 2:2:1
21. What
percentage of numbers from 1 to 70 have ending with the last digit of (4137)756
19 b. 21 c. 20 d. 22
22. Two
trains are moving in opposite direction on parallel tracks at the speeds of
64kmph and 96kmph respectively. The first train passes a telegraph post in
5sec, where as the second train passes the post in 6sec. Find the time taken by the trains to cross each
other completely.
a. 5
sec b.
sec c.
sec d.
None of these

23. It
is given that 232+1 is exactly divisible by a certain number. So which
of the following is also divisible by the same number?
216+1 b.
216-1 c. 296+1 d. 7×233
(24) Pick the odd man out in following.
24. a. Jan 26 b. Aug 15 c. Oct 2 d. Nov 14
25. A,
B, C and D play a game of cards. A says to B, “If I give you 8 cards, you will
have as many as C has and I shall have 3 less than what C has. Also, if I take
6 cards from C, I shall have twice as many as D has”. If B and D together have
50 cards, how many cards has C got?
38 b. 40 c. 42 d. 44
26. Two-third
of a consignment was sold at a profit of 5% and the reminder at a loss of 2%.
If the total profit was Rs. 400, the value of the consignment was?
10,000 b. 15,000 c. 20,000 d. 25,000
27. A
is thrice as fast as B, and is therefore able to finish a work in 60 days less
than B. Find the time in which they can do it working together_____________
28. A
cistern is normally filled in 8 hours but takes 2 hours longer to fill because
of a leak in its bottom. If the system is full, the leak will empty it in how
many hours.
40 b. 39 c. 38 d. 36
29. Starting
from her house, Nisha travelled 8 meters towards west, then turned right and
travelled 15 meters. She then travelled 20 meters towards east, followed by 20
meters to south to reach a hostel. How far is her house from the hostel and in
which direction?
13, SE b. 13, NE c. 13, SW d. 13, NW
30. I
met one of my school friends in America on 16th Aug, 1997 which was
a Saturday and promised to meet him again in the month of December 1999 but
only on a Sunday. On which of the following dates could I meet my friend.
24th Dec, 1999 b. 26th Dec, 1999 c. 27th Dec, 1999 d.
31. A
train X speeding with 120kmph crosses another train Y, running in the same
direction, in two minutes. If the lengths of trains X and Y be 100 meters and
200 meters respectively, what is the speed of train Y?
111kmph b. 123kmph c.
127kmph d. 129kmph
32. At
what time between 5 and 6 O’ Clock will minutes and hour hand make an angle of
34o with each other ____
33. A
boat covers 24km upstream and 36km downstream in 6 hours, while it covers 36km
upstream and 24km downstream in 6
then the velocity of current is?

2.5kmph b. 2kmph c.
1.5kmph d. 1kmph
34. An
entrance exam has two tests. Out of 100 students appeared, 70 passed in the
first test, 55 passed in the second test and 40 passed in both. Find the
probability that a student selected at has failed in both examinations?

35. Five
squares are chosen at random on a chess board. Then what is the probability
that they appear in a diagonal line?
230/64C3 b.
228/64C3 c. 226/64C3 d.
(36-40) The
members of a bank are Mr. A, Mr. B, Mrs. C, Miss. D, Mr. E and Miss. F. The
positions they occupy are Manager, Asst. Manager, Cashier, Stenographer, Teller
and Clerk, though not necessarily in that order. The Asst. Manager is the
Manager’s grandson. Cashier is Stenographer’s son-in-law. Mr. A is bachelor,
Mr. B is 22 year old, and Miss. D is Teller’s step-sister and Mr. E is
Manager’s neighbor. Mr. B cannot have a grandson or son-in-law as he is only 22
years old.
36. Who
is the Manager?
Mr. A b.
Mr. B c. Mrs. C d. Miss. D
37. Who
is the Asst. Manager?
Mr. A b. Mr. B c. Mr. E d. Mrs. C
38. Who
is the Cashier?
Mr. A b. Mr. B c. Mrs. C d. Miss. F
39. Who
is the Teller?
Mrs. C b. Mr. E c. Mr. A d. Miss. F
40. Who
is the Clerk?
Miss. D b. Mrs. C c.
Mr. E d. Miss. F
(41-43) Six cars-P, Q, R, S, T and U- are
being placed in a parking lot. The parking lot has six spaces, numbered 1
through 6. Each car is placed in its own space, according to the following
P can park
anywhere except in 5 or 6.
Q can park in
4 or 5 only.
R can park in
3 or 6 only.
S can park in
2 or 6 only.
T can park in
1 or 3 only.
U can park
anywhere except in 1 or 3.
41. If
Q parks in 4, U must park in?
2 b. 4 c. 5 d. 6
42. If
P parks in 3, U must park in?
5 or 6 b. 4 or 5 c. 2 or 6 d. 2 or 4
43. If
P parks in 6, which of the following must be true?
T parks in 1 b. Q
parks in 4 c. U parks in 4 d. T parks in 3
44. If
A’s father is B, C is the father of B and D is A’s mother, then how is C
related to D?
Father b. Grand Father c. Father-in-Law d. Uncle
45. A+B
means A is the son of B.
means A is the daughter of B.
means A is the father of B.
means A is the mother of B.
of the following means S is the son-in-law of P?
P+Q÷R×S-T b.
P×Q÷R-S+T c. P+Q×R-S÷T d.
(46-50) Read the following
information carefully.
Six scientists A, B, C, D, E and F
want to demonstrate an integrated experiment based on inter disciplinary
Their disciplines are Chemistry, Zoology,
Botany, Physics, Geology and Mathematics, but not necessarily in this order.
Each day only one scientist will
perform the part of his discipline.
The experiment will start on Monday
and end on Sunday. One day will be the rest day which otherwise is a part of
the experiment.
Chemistry will be on the very next day
of Geology.
A, who is a Mathematician, may be
slated for performing either on the second day or the first day. However, his
duty should not be immediately preceded by Botany.
C will demonstrate on the third day
and Physics will be on the fifth day.
E who is a Zoologist, performs on the
second day.
B performs on Monday and after F’s
performance will be the rest day.
46. On
which day will the Chemist perform?
Monday b. Friday c. Sunday d. Thursday
47. Which
day will be the rest day?
Tuesday b. Thursday c.
Saturday d. None of these
48. Physics
will be preceded by_________
Chemistry b.
Zoology c. Mathematics d. Botany
49. Between
which of the two disciplines a day’s rest will be required?
Zoology-Geology b.
Botany-Geology d. Chemistry-Mathematics.
50. The
sequence of scientists demonstrate experiments is __________________
1. C 2. B 3.
D 4. C 5. A 6. C 7. A 8.
B 9. 6 10. 50 11. 18 12. D 13.
A 14. C 15. B
16. D 17.
π 18.
D 19. A 20. B 21. C 22. A 23.
C 24. D 25. B 26. B 27. 22.5 28.
A 29. D 30. B

31. A 32. 5 Hours 33
min. 33
.B 34. C 35. D 36. C 37. A 38.
B 39. D 40. A 41. C 42. B 43.

44. C 45. B 46.
D 47. C 48. A 49. B 50. D
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