Sample Quantitavie Aptitude Practice Test

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             Time: 45_ Min                                                                                              50-Marks
1.    Four litres of phenol is drawn from a can. It is then filled water. Four litres of mixture is drawn again and the bottle is again filled with water. The quantity of phenol now left in the bottle is to that of water is in the ratio 36:13. How much does the bottle hold?

          a)7              b)8               c)9               d)none
2. Two clocks begin to strike 12 together. One strikes in 33 seconds and the other in 22 secs. What is the interval between the 6th stroke of the first and the 8th stroke of the second?
          a)1sec                    b)2sec           c)3sec           d)4sec
3. Three partners A, B and C start a business with Rs. 35000, Rs.40000, Rs.30000. If the     
    net profit after an year is 21,000, what is the profit of B?
Ratio of Capitals = 7: 8: 6
                   a)8000                    b)12000        c)10000         d)none
4. A fruit seller sells mangoes at the rate of Rs.50 for 10 mangoes.  For getting a profit of  60%, how many mangoes he would have purchased for Rs.50?

          a)11             b)14             c)16             d)18
5. If find the value of
a)12/17         b)14/17         c)16/17                   d)18/17
6. What is the least number which when subtracted from both the terms of the fraction  will be give a ratio equal to
a)2.1            b)2.4            c)3.9            d) none
7. In a symposium of 400 people, it was observed that 200 write with Reynolds, 70 with Parker and 50 with Paper mate pens.  30 people had both Reynolds and Parker. 20 had Reynolds and Paper mate and 8 had Parker and Paper mate.  How many had Reynolds alone?
a)122            b)121                     c)154                     d)123
8. Out of thousand people, 450 subscribe for India Today and 600 for Outlook magazine.  200 subscribe for both.  How many do not subscribe to any magazine?
a)120            b)141            c)143            d) none
9. 3. A man took a loan of Rs.5000, which is to be paid in three equal yearly installments. If  the rate of interest is 10% per annum CI. Find the value of each installment.

a)2100.21      b)2298.23      c)2287.21      d)2010.57
10. Without using the log tables, find the value of

a)Both c and d              b)5/3                    c)5/7                     d)35/49
11.  Which  is havier 1 kg cotton or 1 kg iron?
a)Iron           b)Cotton                 c)Cant say     d) none
12. If find the value of ‘a’.
a)4               b)8/2            c)5               d)Both a and b
13. A man takes 7min to walk along the diagonal of a square field at the rate of 2km/hr. find the area of the square field in m2 .
a)31250        b)31255        c)31251         d)31250
14. An equilateral triangle of side 6cm has its corners cut off to form a regular hexagon. Find the area of the hexagon______________
15. How many times do the hands of  clock point towords each other  in a day?
a)24             b)20             c)12             d) none
16. What was the day on 26 JAN 1950______________________.
17. 6. If  what is the ratio of x : y
18. two trains ,each 100 m long ,moving in opposite direction, cross each other in
   8 seconds. If one is moving twice as fast the other, then the speed of faster train is:

          a) 66 km/hr   b) 45 km/hr   c) 60 km/hr   d) 75 km/hr  
19. Two trains are running at 40 km/hr and 20 km/hr respectively in the same direction.
   Fast  train completely passes a man sitting in the slower train in 5 seconds. what is
   Length  of the fast train...

a) 23m          b) 23+2/9m   c) 27m          d) 27+7/9 m  
20. Find the ratio in which rice at Rs. 7.20 a kg be mixed with rice at Rs. 5.70 a kg to
   produce a mixture worth Rs. 6.30 a kg.

          a) 1:3           b) 2:3           c) 3:4           d)4:5   
21. In one hr, a boat goes 11 km along the stream and 5 km against the stream.the speed
   of the boat in still water (in km/hr) is ;
          a) 3              b) 5              c) 8              d)9      
22. if the area of three adjacent faces of a cuboidal box are 120,72,60 respectively
   then find the volume of the box:

          a) 720           b) 864           c) 7200         d) 72*72  
23. Two dice are thrown simultaneously.what is the probability of getting two numbers
    whose product is even?

           a) 1/2          b) 3/4           c) 3/8           d) 5/16
24. What is the missing number in this series?   8 2 14 6 11 ? 14 6 18 12
Ans. ________________________
25. 2 5 9 19 37 ?
          a) 76            b) 74            c) 75            d) none

FILL IN THE BLANKS( 26-31)……….
26.  18, 20, 10, 12, 4, 6, _           

27.  7, 6, 8, 5, 3, 7, _                   

28.  9, 18, 21, 25, 20, _                

29.  3, 3, 4, 8, 10, 36, _                  

30.   30, 28, 25, 20, 34, 28, _            

31. 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, _              

32.   which letter replace the question mark?
          a)M              b)N              c)O               d)P   
          a)O              b)T               c)W              d)L  

          a)G              b)K               c)R               d)L  

          a)7               b)8               c)6               d)9   

          a)16             b)12             c)11             d)15   

37.  The average length of three tapes is 6800 feet. None of the tapes is
less than 6400 feet.  What is the greatest possible length of one of the
other tapes?

a)7200             b)6800             c)7600             d) none      
38.In a certain company, 20% of the men and 40% of the women attended
the annual company picnic.  If 35% of all the employees are man, what
percent of all the employees went to the picnic?
          a)34%          b)35%          c)33%           d) none                  
39. A man owns 2/3 of the market research beauro business and sells 3/4 of
his shares for Rs. 75000. What is the value of Business.
a)1500          b)15000        c)150000       d)1500000   
40. VFCQ : DTWI : : LHMB : ?
          a)MRNX         b)MRMX        c)NRNX         d)NRMX 
Directions(Q. 41-45) :    A cube is colored red on two opposite faces, blue on two adjacent faces and yellow on remaining two faces. It is then cut into two halves along the plane parallel to the red faces. One piece is then cut into four equal cubes and the other one into 32 equal cubes.

41. How many cubes do not have any colored face ?
          a) 0              b)16             c) 4              d)8     

42. How many cubes do not have any red faces ?
          a)8               b)16             c)20             d)24   

43. How many cubes have at least two colored face ?
          a)20             b)24             c)28             d)32    

44. How many cubes have each a yellow face with other faces without color ?
          a)4               b)14             c)17             d)20   

45. How many cubes have at least one face painted blue ?
          a)4               b)14             c)17             d)20     
Directions(Q. 46-49) :  Read the information carefully and answer the following based on it….
Six persons are sitting in a circle. A is facing B. B is to the right of E and left of C. C is to the left of D. F is to right of A. Now D exchanges his seat with F, and E with B.

46. Who will be sitting to the left of D ?
          a)B               b)E               c)A               d)can’t determine  

47. Who is sitting left to the C ?
          a)E               b)F               c)A               d)Can’t Determine  

48. Who will be sitting opposite to A ?
          a)E               b)F               c)D               d)B  

49. Who will be sitting opposite to C ?
          a)C               b)D              c)B               d)A  

50. Pointing to a person, Rohit said to Neha, ”His mother is the only daughter of your father”. How is Neha related to the person ?
           a)Aunt         b)Mother       c)Daughter    d)Wife    


1)a      2)a    3)a    4)c    5)d    6)d    7)c    8)d    9)d    10)a

11)d    12)d   13)a   14)6 root 3    15)d  16)thu   17)2/3     18)c   19)b   20)b

21)c    22)a    23)b    24)9    25)c    26)0    27)4    28)30  29)33  30)21

31)256  32)a  33)a   34)b   35)c   36)a   37)c   38)c   39)c   40)d

41)c    42)b    43)a    44)a    45)c    46)c    47)a    48)a    49)b    50)b

1)a      2)a    3)a    4)c    5)d    6)d    7)c    8)d    9)d    10)a

11)d    12)d   13)a   14)6 root 3    15)d  16)thu   17)2/3     18)c   19)b   20)b

21)c    22)a    23)b    24)9    25)c    26)0    27)4    28)30  29)33  30)21

31)256  32)a  33)a   34)b   35)c   36)a   37)c   38)c   39)c   40)d

41)c    42)b    43)a    44)a    45)c    46)c    47)a    48)a    49)b    50)b

1)a      2)a    3)a    4)c    5)d    6)d    7)c    8)d    9)d    10)a

11)d    12)d   13)a   14)6 root 3    15)d  16)thu   17)2/3     18)c   19)b   20)b

21)c    22)a    23)b    24)9    25)c    26)0    27)4    28)30  29)33  30)21

31)256  32)a  33)a   34)b   35)c   36)a   37)c   38)c   39)c   40)d

41)c    42)b    43)a    44)a    45)c    46)c    47)a    48)a    49)b    50)b

1)a      2)a    3)a    4)c    5)d    6)d    7)c    8)d    9)d    10)a

11)d    12)d   13)a   14)6 root 3    15)d  16)thu   17)2/3     18)c   19)b   20)b

21)c    22)a    23)b    24)9    25)c    26)0    27)4    28)30  29)33  30)21

31)256  32)a  33)a   34)b   35)c   36)a   37)c   38)c   39)c   40)d

41)c    42)b    43)a    44)a    45)c    46)c    47)a    48)a    49)b    50)b

1)a      2)a    3)a    4)c    5)d    6)d    7)c    8)d    9)d    10)a

11)d    12)d   13)a   14)6 root 3    15)d  16)thu   17)2/3     18)c   19)b   20)b

21)c    22)a    23)b    24)9    25)c    26)0    27)4    28)30  29)33  30)21

31)256  32)a  33)a   34)b   35)c   36)a   37)c   38)c   39)c   40)d

41)c    42)b    43)a    44)a    45)c    46)c    47)a    48)a    49)b    50)b


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