- What is a class?
- What is an object?
- What is the difference
between an object and a class?
- What is the difference
between class and structure?
- What is public,
protected, private?
- What are virtual
- What is friend
- What is a scope
resolution operator?
- What do you mean by
- What is abstraction?
- What is polymorphism?
Explain with an example.
- What is encapsulation?
- What do you mean by
binding of data and functions?
- What is function
overloading and operator overloading?
- What is virtual class
and friend class?
- What do you mean by
inline function?
- What do you mean by
public, private, protected and friendly? When is an object created and
what is its lifetime?
- What do you mean by
multiple inheritance and multilevel inheritance? Differentiate between
- Difference between
realloc() and free?
- What is a template?
- What are the main
differences between procedure oriented languages and object oriented
- What is R T T I ?
- What are generic functions
and generic classes?
- What is namespace?
- What is the difference
between pass by reference and pass by value?
- Why do we use virtual
- What do you mean by
pure virtual functions?
- What are virtual
- Does c++ support
multilevel and multiple inheritance?
- What are the advantages
of inheritance?
- When is a memory
allocated to a class?
- What is the difference
between declaration and definition? What is virtual
constructors/destructors? In c++ there is only virtual destructors, no
constructors. Why?
- What is late bound
function call and early bound function call? Differentiate.
- How is exception
handling carried out in c++? When will a constructor executed?
- What is Dynamic
- Write a macro for
swapping integers
Some Important C++ and Object Oriented Programming Questions for Interview
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