English language Aptitude : Verbal Aptitude

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ACUMEN a. exactness b. potential c. shrewdness d. bluntness e. None of these
BEHEST a. behavior b. hold down c. hold up d. relieve e. condemn
DISCRETION a. prudence b. consistency c. precipice d. disturbance e. distemper
ORDAIN a. arrange b. command c. contribute d. establish e. control
FLORID a. ornate b. thriving c. artistic d. elegant e. None of these
PENITENCE a. liking b. insightful c. attractive d. penetrable e. compunction
WHET a. stimulate b. humorous c. inculate d. dampen e. None of these
INCENTIVE a. reflex b. amplitude c. inflection d. provocation e. escutcheon
LATITUDE a. scope b. segment c. globule d. legislature e. lamentation
MORTIFY a. make a cavity b. displease c. humiliate d. relapse e. murder
ADAGE a. advice b. proverb c. enlargement d. advantage e. usage
TO DISPEL a. to dissipate b. to dissent c. to distort d. to disfigure e. to dissect
ERRATIC a. unromantic b. free c. popular d. steady e. unknown
TO MERIT a. to embrace b. to devote c. to deserve d. to combine e. to display
RAPT a. lively b. concealed c. engrossed d. prototype e. None of these
TO HEAP a. to pile b. to forbid c. to proceed d. to share e. to stoop
CAJOLE a. coax b. motivate c. profound d. mollify e. evade
OVULATE a. penury b. immunize c. fertilize d. reproduce e. incisions
ABODE a. clay b. obstacle c. dwelling d. bind e. to beguile
POTENTIAL a. latent b. hysterical c. conventional d. symmetrical e. conscientious
EXTRICATE a. terminate b. isolate c. liberate d. simplify e. frustrate
DISPARITY a. inequality b. impartiality c. unfairness d. twist e. None of these
TO CONFISCATE a. to harass b. to repulse c. to console d. to appropriate e. to congregate
PIOUS a. historic b. devout c. multiple d. fortunate e. authoritative
LETHARGY a. reminiscence b. category c. fallacy d. unanimity e. stupor
CARGO a. cabbage b. camel c. lance d. freight e. flax
OVATION a. oration b. gesture c. emulation d. applause e. nourish


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