Technical Aptitude Questions: Sample C Questions - I

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1 What is the Output of  the following code
char *str = "12345";
printf("%c %c %c\n", *str, *(str++), *(str++));

2. What is the Output of  the following code
       union {
                                       int a;
                                        int b;
                                        int c;
      } u,v;

              u.a = 10;
            u.b = 20;
           printf("%d %d \n",u.a,u.b);
3.What is the Output of  the following code
printf("Hello %d",printf("QUARK test?")); 
(a). Compile time error.           ( b). Hello QUARK test?        (c). Run time error.
(d). Quark Test ?Hello.           (e). None of the above.

4. What shall be the output of the following code?
main() {
int i,j;
printf(“QUARK %s\n”,main());
a. Compilation error.                                                   b. Run-time error  
c. Continuous scrolling Quark on the screen.             d. None of the above.

5. What is Output of  the following code
int count(int i)
if ( i < 0)     return(i);

else               return( count(i-2) + count(i-1));
int j,ans;
j = 4;
ans = count(4);
6. Is there any Error in the following code :
   extern int i;
      printf("statement 1");
                printf("statement 2");
int i =4;

7.  Out put of the following code is
int i,j,A;
for (A = -1;A<=1; A++)

8.  What will be the result of the following code?

int *x;
x =(int *) 15;

a. Compilation error                b. Compiles but gives a runtime error
c. Absolute location 15 in the memory space shall be assigned to pointer x;
d. Location 15 in the program space is assigned to pointer x;
e. Location 15 contains the address to an integer.

9. What will be the O/P of following code :

#define f(x) x*x*x

a. 8                  b. 64                c. 10                d. 12

10. What will be the O/P of following code :
void fun1(void *);
char a[] = "quark";
void *temp;
temp = a;

void fun1(void *temp1 )
int t1 = 0;
while(*((char*)temp1+ t1++ )!='\0') {
printf("%c",*((char*)temp1 + t1));

a. Compilation error    b. ark               c. quark                       d. uark
11.  What will be the O/P of following code :
void main()
                        int x= -5;
printf("%d\t %d",x>>1, x<<3);

12.  What will be the O/P of following code :

int * func(){
static int x=0;
 return &x;
int main()
int * y = func();
return 0;
a. Compilation error.   b. Prints 1 and 3
c. Prints 1 and 2                      d. Prints 1 and 1

13. What will be the O/P of following code :

void main()
unsigned int x = -1;
int y =0;
if(y<=x)           printf("A is true\n");
if (y ==(x = -10))         printf("B is true\n");
if ((int) x>=y)  printf("C is true\n");

a. A is true.                                          b. B is true.
c. C is true.                                          d. None of the above.

14.  In the following code what is the correct way to increment the variable ptr to
point to the next member of the array

union intfloat
int intArray[ 5];
float floatArray[ 5];
union intfloat arr[20];
void *ptr =arr;

a. ++(int*)ptr;              b. ptr = ptr+5;              c. ptr = ptr +sizeof(*ptr);
d. ptr = ptr+sizeof(intfloat.floatArray);                      e. ptr = (void*)((union intfloat*)ptr +1);

15. What will be the O/P of following code :

#define PRINTXYZ(x,y,z) printf (#x "=%d\t" #z "=%d\n", x, y)
void main() {
int x, y, z;
x=0; y=1; z=2;

x || ++y ||++z;

++x || ++y && ++z;

++x && ++y || ++z;
a. Compilation error.                           b. Runtime error.
c.         x=0 z=2                                               d. x=0 z=2
x=1 z=3                                                   x=1 z=2
x=2 z=4                                                  x=2 z=3


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