Divide and Conquer: Find minimum and maximum from a given series of numbers

1 comment
/* by using above said policy */

/* DIV_CON.C */

# include
# define size 100

int min1, max1;
void div_con(int *, int, int *, int *);

/* definition of the function  div_con() */
void div_con( int list[], int n, int *min, int *max)
 if( n == 1)
  *min = *max = list[0];
  if( n == 2)
   if(list[0] < list[1])
    *min = list[0];
    *max = list[1];
    *min = list[1];
    *max = list[0];
   div_con(list, n/2, min,  max);
   div_con(list+ n/2, n - n/2, &min1, &max1);
   if( min1 < *min)
    *min = min1;
   if( max1 > *max)
    *max =  max1;

/*  Function main */

void main()
 int i;
 int *min, *max;
 int list[size];
 int number;
 printf("\n Input the number of elements in the list :");
 scanf(" %d", &number);

 printf("\n Input the list elements:\n");
 for(i = 0; i < number; i++)
  scanf("%d", &list[i]);

 printf("\n Min and Max are :");
 div_con( list, number, min, max);
 printf("\n Mimimum = %d", *min);
 printf("\n Maximum = %d", *max);

1 comment:

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